
2. I've been on a major workout groove for two weeks now. I started a 30-day membership to Sweat Fitness on July 24 and have gone there every day since. (Gotta make the most of my GroupOn!) I don't think I've ever gone to the gym so consistently in my life. Thus far I've taken one spinning class, but I've also got my eye on a Power Pump class . . . and dare I try Zumba? I fear I may be a bit too uncoordinated, but I might just have to give it a whirl regardless. As to my other group deals that all expire soon, I took my second intro mat class at Urbanfront Pilates this week and have scheduled my first XTend Barre class for next week. I took a Versa Shape class at Versa Fit Studio yesterday and have scheduled my first spinning class at Body Cycle Studio for Sunday morning. If this schedule doesn't get me into shape, I don't know what will! Though it would obviously have been a better idea to spread out all these workouts, rather than cramming them all in at the last minute as the deals reach their expiration dates, I am really loving all the variety. Often I get into a rut with my workouts, either sticking to the same Cathe Friedrich videos are going on the same run, so it's nice to change things up.

3. I picked up a copy of The Hunger Games at the library the other day. I figured I might as well read it, given how much hype the series has received (and it's being made into a movie; ooh!). However, given how much people raved about the Twilight series, and how much I absolutely hated it (really, sparkly vampires and some chick that pretty much only likes a dude because he's really hot?!, uh, no thanks.) But, I suppose I shall reserve my judgment until after I actually read the book and/or series. On the plus side, I've heard it's a quick read, so at least it's got that going for it.

4. I am so ready for summer to be over. Heat and humidity? No thanks. I'm ready for sweaters, boots, layers, and lots of long sleeves. I decided to start the season about a month-and-a-half early by cracking into my jar of Kaufman's Pumpkin Butter, which I bought at Reading Terminal Market earlier this summer. Pumpkin butter on toast? Feels like Autumn to me!

5. I think we'll be doing a bit of canning this weekend. On the menu: tomato sauce and pickles. We've got tomatoes coming out of our ears at this point, and we received some pickling cucumbers in our CSA box, which added to the ones D grew out back in our container garden, I think we now have enough for at least one jar. The only thing I've ever truly canned before was some strawberry jam; hopefully tomato sauce will be just as easy! Now, I just need to find the perfect tomato sauce recipe!
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