Snacktime: PB&J Pretzel Sticks

I have a seriously love for peanut butter. More like an addiction, as it seems that nary a day goes by where I don't partake in at least one spoonful of the stuff. I personally prefer crunchy peanut butter, as I like the texture better than the creamy kind. We always buy the natural stuff -- we're currently consuming the Whole Foods store brand, which has an ingredient list that contains only peanuts and salt. (I'd prefer salt-free, but that hasn't been an option during shopping trips of late, and since the added salt content is fairly low, I don't feel too bad about it.)

When I've got a hankering for some PB in the late afternoon, I typically put a spoonful of it and a spoonful of whatever jam I have on hand (pictured above is strawberry, I think) into a small bowl, then spike it with a handful of pretzel sticks. I may or may not lick the little bowl clean every time.


  1. Oh holy cow! I saw this and thought "well, that seems like a simple snack for the kids after school" and bought some pretzels today. After school I slapped some PB and J into a bowl with a handful of "dipping sticks" style pretzels and the kids went BONKERS. So I tried it, too, and have now had three servings of it today.

    New addiction: check. Thanks.

  2. It's kind of ridiculously simple -- and yet, oh-so-satisfying. : )


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