Since our days in the mountains are soon going to come to an end, it makes sense to live it up now as much as possible. We decided that one way to enjoy our surroundings would be to head up to the mountains for an evening sunset picnic. Since D had some hot dog buns leftover from his bachelor weekend while I was away in the Big City a week ago, I decided that we might as well grill up some hot dogs for our picnic meal. We also brought up some of the curried tofu and avocado dip and pita chips to eat as an appetizer.
I can't remember the last time I had a hot dog -- and to be honest, I still don't have a desire to eat a "real" one. So, I opted to have a tofu dog:

While waiting for the coals to heat up, we enjoyed a glass (or two) of Frontera cabernet sauvignon. The plastic glasses are part of a picnic backpack set we received as a wedding gift.

After our dog dinner, it was time for dessert. This time I (wo)manned the grill and toasted up the marshmallows. The coals were the perfect temperature for roasting marshmallows -- I managed to toast the marshmallows to an even brown all around -- and no marshmallow flambe -- a miraculous feat!
D eating his s'more -- I made his with Hershey's chocolate (which he requested); I made mine with Safeway milk chocolate (really delish; I can't stand the taste of Hershey's chocolate, even if it's the traditional chocolate bar for a s'more).
Though it was a little nippy at 10,000+ feet (hence all the layers!), the scenery (and company) definitely made up for any chills. We're really lucky to have a mountain range located just a short drive from town!

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